Close Encounters of the 6th Sense: Nature Unleashed

Spider WebIt started in March after our first mild winter in years. Moth’s started appearing in my house…in March!! In April, I started seeing the biggest, fattest rabbits I’ve ever seen here, which became a near daily occurrence right outside my door. In May, I spotted a Fisher across the stream, and later in the month, I saw a Crayfish in my creek, first one I’ve ever seen in the Catskills. Then I started awakening to the sound of Yellow Jackets buzzing around the windows, on the INSIDE, several days in a row. Then in June, a Chipmunk ran up my arm while doing Yoga outside. Then the fireflies start flying to me and around me wherever I walk (which is amazing by the way). Oh, then there was the spider bite which was packed with enough venom to keep me lying on my back for hours while elevating my arm and treating the bite with Essential Oils (which healed within 2 days). Now that it’s July, the Bears have come to cross my path. Yesterday, while meditating at sunset, an adult black bear was no more then 20 feet away from me looking straight at me. Then today, 2 bear walked right behind my house, while I was on a phone reading, outside the large windows of my home office.

So beautiful and vibrant these beings are.

There have also been hawks, eagles, birds I’ve never seen, with unfamiliar calls around, and many other signs that nature has become very bold and vibrant as of late. The fear of humans, or at least the fear of this human, among the many creatures of nature’s bounty is waning..

I’ve spent much of my life in nature learning from her in all her guises and I believe in the signs. I meditate outside when I can and allow myself to first feel the vibrations of the earth, air, fire and water all around me.  I feel the vibrations of the plants, the trees, and all the life that is present. Then I become one with that collective vibration. Sometimes I feel like Spirit is using me to help regulate the energies between the Earth and the Cosmos, which the trees do for our Mother naturally.

BearI do believe we create our own reality, though largely subconsciously, right down to the details and what I create, especially when Mother Nature is involved. There’s a message about my path, my life, and my choices to help point me in the direction of truth. Spiders are the life weavers and a bite can be a “heads up” for what I may be creating. The venom as medicine may offer me the medicine of Spider to spin a new reality… be used wisely. The Bear represents introspection, intuition, and the ability to digest the lessons of the past, through introspection (or hibernation), to facilitate the re-awakening of the Spring. Both Spider and Bear are powerful medicine and I thank Great Spirit. I gratefully accept as I move forward on my Earth walk, learning and growing every moment, every day….

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