The Days of November Meditation

  1. Imagine yourself seated on a river bank at the edge of the forest.  It is shortly before dusk and the last of the leaves are falling from the trees. river-edge-forest-meditation
  2. Visualize these falling leaves twirling in downward spirals. With each leaf, picture something in your life that you wish to “fall away” as one season ends and another begins.  Take time to name all of your items that you desire to leave behind so that you may begin anew during this cleansing time of year.  As you watch your leaves fall, a gentle wind picks up and blows your hair and swirls around you, completing this clearing of your thoughts, emotions, and physical matter.  The river is gently flowing to your left and send any last worry or pain down your healing river.
  3. Raise your awareness to the treeline of the forest before you. The bare branches allow the golden glow of the setting sun to fill the area.  This is the time of the year when the light enters those areas that were dark with foliage and the trees give us the chance to see the landscape beyond in the distance.  That which was hidden to us is now revealed.  Thoughts, emotions and physical matter are able to bask in light.  Allow this golden light to shine directly into your heart center.  Let it shine through you and out behind you, as it travels to the opposite horizon.  When you are ready, expand this golden light in all directions so that it may engulf your entire seated body.  Give an extra push so that it reaches the furthest points of your aura.
  4. Suddenly you realize that you are the only being glowing in this nature scene.  It is now nighttime and the stars fill the sky.  Keep your glow to a comfortable level and let it warm you as you look up at the clear, crisp night.
  5. Directly overhead is the constellation of Pleiades.  Some say it looks like a chalice, as seven stars, the “Seven Sisters”, form the shape of a cup.  As you stare at it, you see the shape of 7 beautiful goddesses smiling down upon you.  They notice your wonderful, shimmering aura and want to bless you with the light of Love and Compassion.  They communicate to you that this Love and Compassion is for yourself, but also to gift to others, as the Native Americans were well aware that this time of year was the time of “The Gift”.  The Pleiadian Chalice is slowly tipped by the 7 Ladies and the softest pink light you have ever seen flows down from the sky like water.  It washes over your head, over your entire body, down around you like a waterfall.  Spend time in this warm pink light and receive The Gift of Love and Compassion.
  6. When you are ready, put your hands together over your heart. Say a prayer or blessing of gratitude for the “out with the old, in with the new” energetic experience you have just received.  Include in this gratitude thanks for the knowledge of anything you could not see or was obscured, now being revealed to you in the coming weeks. Know that you have been filled with healing, love and light.  Look for opportunities over the course of the month to gift the vibration of Love and Compassion onto others.  Finally, take time to ground and center before you open your eyes.  Repeat this meditation as often as you would like for an extra boost.



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