Estrology: April 2015

By Esther Frances

This month let’s be brief and deep. In truth, I am feeling the urge to be outside rather than inside typing and if you are in many of the zones where spring is actually springing forth with life, you may be feeling the same!

The biggest news this month is the total Lunar Eclipse that occured on Saturday April 4th, st 15 degrees Libra, at 5:05 Pacific Time and 8:05 Eastern time. I view eclipses as opportunities for reprogramming. 


We can release the old pattern regarding lunar matters.  The Moon regulates the waters, the tides, the emotions, feelings, home, family, kinship, bonding and the female or yin energies.

Now is the time for us to affirm the sacredness and equality of the feminine: Mother Earth, women and the waters.

We are witnessing the extremes of too much water in some areas and not enough in others.  Is Nature reflecting our lack of appreciation for the life giving and sustaining gift that water is?  Is this eclipse an opportunity to remember that water is precious and respect her?  Can we also release the destructive paradigm of male superiority and live together in mutual respect and dynamic balance?

These are the opportunities that I intuit are here for us:


ARIES: “Coersion fights the Cosmos!”  Force has away of boomeranging back….Consider cooperation instead.

TAURUS: Mars and Venus in Taurus are right up your alley: Turtle wisdom says “Slow and steady wins the race.” Venus says, “Stop and see the beauty!”

GEMINI: Be like the geese and see if you can get your myriad of interests flying in the same direction and see where it takes you.  Mercury in Aries is willing to be your leader.

CANCER: Bless the waters, bless the Mothers, bless the children in your life.  Bless the rivers running through your veins and remember to drink plentifully.  It’s good for you skin and your brain!

LEO: Jupiter in Leo goes direct on the 8th: Time to celebrate and move forward into wherever you’ve been wanting to go and holding back.

VIRGO: Your invitation is to make sure you are serving your self as well as whoever or whatever is fortunate enough to have your support.  Self care isn’t an indulgence, it is requisite for you to be able to be the full gift that you wish to be.

LIBRA: The eclipse is in your sign!  May the rest of us share your desire for authentic fairness, justice, and peace.  Remember harmony is a verb not a noun!

SCORPIO:  You may begin to feel a lessening of the intensity that has been a constant for the birthing that the Pluto/Uranus squares have initated. Breathe deeply, and let it be so!

SAGITTARIUS: With Saturn still retrograding in your sign, the old adage “hold your horses” may be apt.  As much as you yearn to gallop freely, sometimes “corral time” can be a blessing. 

CAPRICORN: When Capricorn surrenders its fear it can hear the wisdom coded in its bones.  Listen.  ConTROLL or control, that is the question!

AQUARIUS: I’m expecting a new commitment to the changes you are seeking.  It has to do with the realization that realization needs back up in the form of commited and grounded action.

PISCES: There’s still some deep healing going on….Not getting the full stage attention but many of us are awakening to the need for compassion and revision more deeply than ever. Your Chiron key: turn away from feeling the victim and turn toward compassion.


© Esther Frances, April 2015  

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