Estrology: March 2015

By Esther Frances

Yay spring!  Now is the time to renew, regenerate and celebrate new possibilities. Look to Nature as your teacher.  What seeds have you planted?

I invite you to co-create, reflect and choose what you wish to grow.

The Solar Eclipse at the last degree of Pisces, on the first day of spring, indicates that we can all take a new approach to the past and literally spring into a new way of being, with all the energy available on this most powerful day.  It takes courage to release the past and this spring the energy is like a strong wind at the back, allowing us to let go and sail into rebirth.

butterflyOn Monday, March 16th, the day after “the ides of March,” we will experience the last Pluto/Uranus square that has been the most potent influence for us for the last few years.  We are in the last phase of the “breakdown / breakthrough” that true transformation requires.  Keep your ear to the ground and your eyes open to discover and discern what in your own life has shifted and is morphing from caterpillar to butterfly.


ARIES: Venus is embracing Uranus in an exact conjunction on March 4th and  Mars arrives in exact conjunction with Uranus on March 10th. Now is the time for a new direction, particularly regarding love and money! Let the Vernal Equinox free you from whatever has been holding you back!

TAURUS: With Venus, your “ruling” planet in Aries, playing with Uranus, the first couple of weeks of March could be more exciting than usual for you.  It’s a great time for you to engage more boldly, try out something new, risk stepping out of your routines and usual boundaries!

GEMINI: Your love of variety will be well rewarded with opportunities with friends, and community. Let your imagination be the kite you fly in the March winds. Be inspired and let your wings fly!

CANCER: You have many options, gifts and challenges this month. The Solar Eclipse New Moon in Aries on the first day of spring can be a great springboard to letting go of old unconscious patterns that don’t nourish you and saying yes to new connections that do!

LEO: Jupiter in Leo trines Uranus on the 3rd. ‘Tis the time to “follow your bliss!”  At the very least, give yourself a bigger playground and give yourself permission to take action that will make make your heart happy!

VIRGO: The full moon on the 5th is an opportunity for you to pay attention to what needs to be done to ground your dreams.  Listen deeply to receive practical guidance in how to give those dreams what they need to become reality in this dimension.

LIBRA: You are natural diplomats. Yet, sometimes you need to speak up even if it means taking a risk and ruffling some feathers.  If there’s something you’ve been holding back, bring it forward with kindness and grace and see if the reward isn’t worth it.

SCORPIO:  You may be aware that a new babe has been born within you:  a new awareness, project, intention, goal, or aim that is taking you from where you were to where you really want to go.  It requires letting go of what the outer authority says you need to do and trusting in your inner guidance!

SAGITTARIUS: I know your motto could easily be “don’t fence me in.” However there are times, like in meditation, when apparent limitation is the key to greater freedom.  Saturn goes retrograde on the 15th and won’t be direct and back in Sag again until September the 18th. There can be opportunity  for expansion even in the context of contraction.

CAPRICORN: Cosmetic changes will not be enough when the structure itself is what needs changing. The source of real security is beyond form. Despite your resistence, do your best to let go of the forms that no longer serve you and trust in the “re-form-ation” to bring you new life and possibilities.

AQUARIUS: This month you have the opportunity to put your heart and head into alignment with each other.  Your heart is the key that opens the doors and your head can guide you once you cross the threshold into new realms of love and creativity.

PISCES: On the 7th the Sun comes to Chiron, known as “the wounded healer.” The challenge may be an arising of pain or grief.  The good news is that new insights could help heal the roots of the wounding.  Either way, a focus on compassion and healing will be good medicine for your Soul.



© Esther Frances, March 5, 2015

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