Eyes of a Child Meditation


  1. Do a deep relaxation allowing your entire body to fully relax.  Stay focused on the sound and the feeling of your breath
  2. In your mind count backwards from 5 to 1 going deeper with every count
  3. Start “regressing” by remembering events progressively deeper and deeper in your past and with each memory feel as if you are actually there in your full sensory vision.  Maybe start with your wedding or an equally defining event, then go back to your graduation, then back to something amazing that happened when you were around 12. Then age 8, then 6.  Then back to an earlier childhood memory and then finally arrive at age 2 or 3.  You don’t have to remember any specific event back then.  Just experience being a 2 year old for a few moments.  Notice what you feel and perceive
  4. Gaze around at the surroundings of your 2-3 year old self.  Notice sights, sounds and smells as well as how you feel.  Spend a couple minutes on this step
  5. Then look around the room and notice what spirits are with you and visiting you.  Use your imagination just as you did as a child.  Spirit uses the imagination to speak to you.  You may see or sense guides, Angels, animal spirits or people who have crossed over.  Allow yourself to see into the spirit world through the eyes of a child. Don’t worry if it feels like you are making things up.  As long as you are fully relaxed and in your child mind those you sense around you are absolutely there.  Spend a few minutes and listen to what they have to say, or what pictures they place into your mind.  Remember, at this moment you are a toddler and are very open and aware of energy and Spirit.
  6. When you are ready to come out of the process count up from 1 to 3,  Deepen your breath.  Ground yourself and slowly start moving.  Then open your eyes.
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