Heart To Heart Healing Meditation

Heart to Heart


  1. Get deeply relaxed, keep a gentle focus on your breathing.  Allow yourself to be completely aware and open in the moment.
  2. Call upon the Angels.  Stay aware in the moment and gently focused on your breath.  Notice any differences in your feelings or vibrations as your draw your Angels closer to you through your intention.
  3. Set the intention and allow the energy of your Angels to activate your heart center.  Feel the Angels go deeply into your heart center.  Imagine and feel your heart opening wide in a beautiful white, gold, pink or green light and feel that light emanating outward in all directions from deep within your chest.  Allow yourself to feel your body and the space around your body with your expanded heart energy.
  4. Feel your heart expand further into your town, state, country and finally into the entire universe.
  5. Now think of someone who needs healing or divine help.  In your mind ask that person’s higher self’s permission to activate their heart.  If you sense “no” than move to the next person and if you sense a “yes” then allow your expanded heart to merge with and become one with theirs gently opening it to receive the abundant and healing energy of the universe.  You can do this with as many people as you like (one at a time).
  6. Now allow your heart to become one with the Earth’s heart (or center) and imagine the entire earth glowing in beautiful healing heart light from the inside out.
  7. When you are done thank your Angels for their assistance and ask them if they have any messages for you or your loved ones.  Slowly come out of the meditation when ready.

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