Meditation: Filling Your Harvest Basket

(This two-part meditation can be done separately or together as one process. They are both visualization processes and you can either see clear images with all your senses or imagine them if you have a challenge holding mental images. Either way holds the same power)

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Part 1:

  1. Think about 3 different things you would like to create in your life. These could be specific goals or more general qualities but take a moment to think about what you desire or what would make you more happy and fulfilled.
  2. Once you’ve got your 3 things go into a deep relaxation and allow yourself to be aware of your breath, aware of the present moment and at perfect peace.
  3. Then one at a time start to visualize your 3 wishes. See yourself with all your senses enjoying the fulfillment of your 1st dream as if it were happening right now. Tune into the feelings (and this is most important) and FEEL as if you already have fulfilled your dream and you are enjoying the outcome right now. Once you have captured the feeling the energy has been set. Next, without a single thought ask Spirit to give you the image of a fruit or vegetable that represents your fulfillment. It could be an apple, a cucumber, a squash. It doesn’t matter and it doesn’t have to make sense just ask with an open clear mind and within a millisecond get a fruit or vegetable, even if it feels like you are making it up. Then repeat this process for the other 2 wishes. Once you got your 3 food items you can come out of the process or immediately proceed into Part 2:

Part 2:

  1. Get fully relaxed as in the first meditation
  2. Imagine that you are holding a basket and walking out into a beautiful farm or garden with a plethora of different fruits and vegetable growing all around you (all of which represent “possibilities”).
  3. As you are walking around find the 3 fruits or veggies that you chose in the 1st part of this process growing somewhere in the fields and find the brightest, most succulent one of each variety and stick each one in your basket. As you are walking and a fruit or veggie variety strikes your fancy that you did not choose stick that one in your basket as well.
  4. Find a nice comfortable place in your vision to stop and sit down. One by one start eating the food in your basket imagining that it is the juiciest, most delicious fruit or veggie of its variety that you have ever eaten. Feel the essence of each fruit you eat being absorbed into every cell of your body as you are enjoying the deliciousness of your fruits and veggies. Allow your cells and entire body to feel joyful and empowered.
  5. Think to yourself about a few things in your life that you are truly grateful for as you finish eating your harvest and then gently come out of the process.
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