Season of Change

October has always been a special time for me. We transition from the beauty of fall foliage to the starkness of the Halloween/Samhain season. The veils between the worlds of the seen and the unseen grow thin and the Spirit world seems that much more palpable. Many cultures around the northern hemisphere celebrate death as an integral part of the cycles of life and in some cultures, like the Celtic traditions, it’s even considered the New Year, recognizing that all new beginnings evolve out of endings, and that death is the true beginning of new life.

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Growing Up Psychic

In honor of my new Psychic/Spiritually advanced children/teens group, here’s an excerpt from my future book. I bet a lot of you can relate or know children now experiencing something similar:

As I rapidly moved toward toddler-hood, I started seeing and sensing Spirits and Angels more easily. I use to point to them and try to touch them, but as soon as I did, they seemed to disappear. Sometimes I tried to talk to them or interact with them in other ways, but again my attempts to “reach out“ with my developing intellect usually caused them to vanish. I wasn’t spending as much time in my inner universe due to the discovery of physical toys, but my awareness of Spirit and energy were still maturing. I could discern energy more clearly and I started realizing that the “people who are not really there“ (as my parents use to call them) really did exist. They were just as real as the people I could touch, even if the others couldn’t see them.

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