Shaping Your Destiny Meditation



  1. Get into a comfortable seated position with your back straight.  Start to tune into your breath.  With each inhale imagine that you are inhaling golden light that is charged with the qualities of love and joy and with each exhale imagine off color brown or grayish light leaving your body along with any tensions, worries or concerns you no longer need.  Inhaling joy and love, exhaling tensions and dis-ease. Feel yourself become more relaxed with each breath. Inhaling golden energy, exhaling gray or brown. Start to feel your face deeply relax feeling all tension melting away from your face, head and neck. Start to feel your shoulders drop and feel all tension from that part of your body naturally release.  With each passing breath feel your body relax further and further. Now imagine that you are somewhere in nature, at your favorite and most relaxing spot. Imagine it is summer time and feel the warm sun and gentle summer breeze upon you. Become immersed in your scene. In your mind’s eye see or imagine the beautiful nature scene. Notice that you are completely alone. Listen for the beautiful sounds and notice the sweet summer smells.  Allow yourself to relax further and further and you visualize in detail with all your senses  your beautiful natural scene. Continue to relax even more deeply now. Notice your breath.   Relax even further.
  2. Now take a moment to think about the dream that you are manifesting. Allow your scene to tbegin fading and start imagining another scene that represents the fulfillment of your desires take it’s place. Allow your new scene to reflect the fulfillment of your heart’s desire. See and feel yourself enjoying the outcome of your wishes fulfilled to it’s fullest. See or imagine the scenery, the activities and the people in detail. Notice what you are doing.  Notice where you are. Notice everything about this scene now and visualize it using all your inner senses. Take a moment to feel the joy and liberation of your manifested desire.  Notice what else you feel . Allow yourself to strongly feel the emotions of joy and satisfaction at the realization of your dream. Become the vibration and emotions of your dreams coming true.  Really allow yourself to feel this strongly now
  3. Now step out of your vision but remain completely plugged with it’s energy , without thinking about it give your vision a shape and trust the very first shape that you either see or think of. Get this immediately without thought. Next give that shape a color.  Trust the first color you get, whether you see it, imagine it or simply make it up. Now that your manifested dream has a colored shape see that shape in front of you feel the positive emotions of your vision emanate powerfully from your colored shape. Notice if that shape is moving, changing colors, pulsating or doing anything at all. Take a moment to really feel the shape that is in front of you bursting with the positive energy of your dream
  4. Now take  your colored shape and in your mind place it deep into your heart center. Feel the energy of your shape beating from deep within your heart.
  5. Feel your shape start to expand now until it grows large enough to cover your entire body. Feel your shape vibrating in every cell, organ and molecule of your body. Imagine that each cell, is vibrating with the frequency of your manifested dream now.
  6. Start to imagine that every cell  in your body starts becoming little magnets now attracting your desire to you. Start to see and feel your scene from before forming around you once again, and become part of that scene just as you were earlier in this process seeing and feeling the essence of your vision as if it were happening right now. Allow yourself to feel the sense of overwhelming joy and fulfillment of your manifested dream, and I will be back with you in a moment (pause)
  7. Start to become conscious of your feet now and feel them firmly on the ground.  Imagine that your feet and legs are immersed into the soft gentle earth.  Start to wiggle your toes and fingers and when you feel ready open your eyes.
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