Spring Root Meditation


Created by Heather Estara


  1. Take three deep breaths in and out. On the in-breath imagine the cleansing cold of Winter. On the out-breath feel the dewy warmth of Spring. Relax your shoulders and body and feel yourself anchored to the ground.
  2. In your mind’s eye transport yourself to a beautiful forest. See that forest go through all of the seasons: fully alive at the peak of Summer; heightened color in the Autumn; bare leaves and evergreens at Wintertime; and vibrant green buds in the Spring. Now settle yourself in the midst of the forest and let it transform to the subtle earthtones of March.
  3. Keeping your eyes closed tune into your Heart Chakra. Visualize an emerald green light emanating from your heart, throughout your body, all around you, and all through the forest. This light keeps you comfortable and warm. As you project this healing light, transform yourself into a tree root. Take a moment to become the root. Your legs, body, arms and head are all part of the root and it’s offshoots. You are interconnected to a vast root system of life and growth.
  4. As Root, remember back into the Winter months. You have sat underground at rest, contemplating your dormancy. Ideas have percolated and memories have come to the surface. You have been asked to have a tough outer shell and at times have suffered the elements, but you know that this is your calling and you hold no emotional attachment to the hardships. As the Earth heated up, glimmers of the spark of life and motion stirred in your root system. Hope for action and forward movement washed over you. Then the time of rest returned so you could muse your future progress some more. Any ailment to your root system was just an illusion, as the “frozen” time provides great protection against the spread of dis-ease. Much internal work has been done this Winter, both consciously and sub-consciously. Tree, your Great Spirit, has been working to help progress you, Root, as you await your next cycle’s journey.
  5. Now take three new deep breaths. This time bring the moist temperate air of Spring into your lungs and exhale the dry, cold air of Winter.
  6. Tune into the message that Great Spirit Tree has for you. Take a moment to hear that it is time for the vibration of new life to begin. Inside you is the beginning, the light. This is the same creation energy which all creatures, all planets, all stars, all matter was born from. It is March and it is time to start growing. Tree explains before the buds can form on the branches, first the roots need to grow. That is you! All of your hopes, dreams and goals cannot blossom without you starting the process of expansion. Keeping the root system healthy is vital to this process. As Root you feed the Tree. In essence your physical, emotional and mental space assists Great Spirit and all of Creation in thriving. Knowing this in your heart, ask Tree what more you need to do in order to be at your optimal health for Spring. Take your time receiving these messages. They come in love and non-judgment. Thank yourself for all of the hard work you did enduring, contemplating, self-improving and planning this Winter. Give yourself a hug for any damage that was done to Root over the past few months. Tree is now sending emerald green light down into the top of your head/Root and throughout your body, washing away any residual pain. The healing is complete and now you know what you need to do to be strong for your blossom season. Allow Great Spirit Tree to give you one more personal message.
  7. When you are ready, slowly let yourself morph from Root back into your body. Spread love to your head, your neck, your shoulders. Further it down into your arms and hands, breast and stomach, hips and legs, all the way to your feet. Create your own roots down from the bottom of your seat and soles of your feet into Mother Earth, all the way to her energizing magma core. Stay rooted for as long as it takes to feel whole, relaxed, and grounded. When you are ready open your eyes.
  8. For an added boost do the following after this meditation:
    1. Take a sheet of paper and writing utensil. You can be as creative with your tree map as you would like so if you want to break out the crayons and markers and art supplies go ahead!
    2. Draw a tree. Give it roots on the bottom and leaves on the top. You will write words in the leaves so make them big enough to place a word. This can be a simple line with lines for roots and circles for leaves, so don’t worry about how your tree is created. It is your personal tree for your benefit.
    3. In each leaf write something that you want to do or manifest this Spring. You do not have to fill all of the leaves with words. Some of the leaves are the surprises of life waiting to delight you!!!
    4. Now write alongside the roots a simple statement of what you want to do to accomplish these goals (ex. Leaf: New Job; Root: Ask 10 people if they know of anyone hiring). If you feel you have a lot of statements to support your leaves just write them on the back of the sheet of paper knowing that roots extend very far underground and are always supporting Tree.
    5. Your tree can be placed away from view or displayed as a daily reminder of your personal journey of accomplishment. It can be added to or edited or remain the same. Some people like to plant it in the earth or pot and others like to burn it and allow the embers to release to Sky. It makes a great sheet to do daily affirmations from and a wonderful object to place under a pillow while you sleep. Any expression you choose will be your unique way of embodying the spirit of Root this March 2016. Good luck and Many Blessings in the turning of the Wheel of the Year.
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