11-11-11 Meditation

“Through the Portal” A meditation for 11/11/11

Mountain Visuals

Mountain Visuals

  1. Get comfortable and plan to be still for 10 minutes to 1 hr. or more.
  2. Deeply relax your body. Clear your mind of all thoughts. Become aware of your breath, body and everything occurring in the present moment.
  3. Imagine now that you are in a temple, cathedral or spiritual structure. Find a crystal, or marble Spiral staircase in your visualization (either see this visually in your minds eye or imagine it)
  4. Start walking up the stairs (noticing what the stairway and steps look like, what the room looks, sounds and feels like) as you walk up the stairs imagine/visualize the light turning to a brilliant red. See, feel and be in that color vibration. Then continue up the stairs sequentially passing through all the rainbow colors (starting with red at the bottom and finishing with violet at the top) feeling lighter and freer with each color you pass through. You may even start to feel like you are floating upward rather than walking once you reach the color blue. At this stage you may start imagining that millions of people are behind you, following you up the stairs. If you add this sub-step you will help the rest of humanity elevate along with you.
  5. As you arrive at the place of violet light high up on the stairway and continue rising upward start to imagine the light turning a brilliant, almost blinding white that is so bright you cannot see anything but intense white. As you continue upward start to notice that this intense light is radiating from a disk, or “portal” directly above you. Continue upward through the portal of intense white light.
  6. As soon as you pass through this portal you find yourself in an ashram filled with beautiful “light” beings (in your imagination/visualization). Allow yourself to move through the large open room meeting these beings. You can even imagine shaking their hands and having brief conversations with them.
  7. Find a being with whom you feel a special connection with and allow that being to acknowledge you. Know that this is the being, who is your ascended teacher is meeting you now to show you a vision and guide you into a new age.
  8. Allow yourself to have a brief conversation with this being, maybe asking for a name or something you can identify with him. See what she is wearing, what he looks like, feels like and try to get an intuitive sense of who she is.
  9. Allow yourself to sit or kneel in front of this being and let her know that you are ready for your elevation.
  10. Immediately you will be given a telepathic communication, where you will see, here or know exactly what you will be doing some time in the future to assist in the process of human evolution. Notice what your job or mission in the “New Earth” is. Maybe you’re a teacher. Or a healer or a diplomat. See, feel and know what you are doing, even if it feels like you are making part of it up. Once you get the information you may get other messages as well. Also more than one being may choose to interact with you at this time. Get to know them and receive whatever information from them that you are able. When you are ready to come out of the process thank you guide, or guides for your messages.
  11. Find the portal of light you came through in step 5. As soon as you pass through this portal of white light you will be back in your room and you will see your physical body in meditation. Give your physical body a big loving hug and allow your energy to merge and re-integrate with your physical being. Take a moment to ground, slowly start moving and come out of your process when ready.
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