Conversations With the Ancestral World

Inspired by my friend, innovative teacher and Author/Medium, Sharon Anne Klingler

Ancestral World

  1. Relax, ground, center and settle into a trance or meditative state.
  2. Set your intentions on who in Spirit you’d like to talk to by mentally stating their name(s) and/or seeing their image(s).
  3. Connect with your own Spirit first by bringing your awareness to your heart in the center of your chest between your throat and solar plexus. See and feel a golden (or white, pink or green) light deep within your heart expand and brighten with each breath. BECOME the golden heart light which is expanding outwards from your physical chest. Now, let your Spirit self (the golden light) step out , or float out of your physical body. See from your Spirit eyes your physical body sitting/lying next to you in meditation.
  4. Call now for your chosen Spirit (by name) and see that person next to you, or around you (noticing where around you, or in the room he/she “stands“). Usually the Spirit-Person you call for comes but in some cases Great Spirit might send you a different Spirit(s) than you requested. Accept. Trust your intuition. Don’t judge. Use your imagination.
  5. Notice the emotional shift you feel as this Spirit comes in, as well as any physical sensations, symbols, colors or other subtle changes that happen right at the very moment the Spirit first comes through. These “Spirit identifiers” will help you recognize this being for future meetings.
  6. Try to remain completely out of your thinking mind. Look over at your physical body meditating periodically to remind yourself that you ARE Spirit. Set your intentions to communicate to your spirits. Look. Listen. Observe. Spirits communicate in many ways: Thoughts, words, feelings, images, personal memories, smells, colors and songs are all common ways our spirit loved ones communicate with us. The trick here is to not block yourself. The voice of Spirit can be very subtle, It may even seem like you’re making it up. That is good. Let it flow. Make it up. Ask questions or start talking. Allow Spirit to answer back. Try not to pause. Be spontaneous. Be free. Maintain a mental flow of conversation with your Spirit person. Ask questions. Allow the answers to come spontaneously. Don’t think! Remember, as soon as you start to doubt or question the validity of your impressions you will be in your personal mind of judgment and your connection with Spirit will shut down.
  7. Call upon other Spirits if you so choose.
  8. Thank your Spirits, allow yourself (as Spirit) to float around your physical body. As Spirit embrace your physical body with a big heart felt hug. Then feel yourself receding, back into your physical heart center. Re-integrate with your body. Allow your heart to remain open or closed to a comfortable level now. Ground and center. Come out of your meditation when ready and write down all you can recall.
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