The Dawning: Welcome To the Aquarian Age

Most of us are aware that humanity is moving through some very challenging times right now and that either you yourself, or many of those closest to you are currently facing some of the greatest challenges of their entire lives.


Photo of a new dawning courtesy of

With great change comes great turmoil and as difficult as these times are know that you are extremely blessed to be alive right now and to be a part of the biggest leap in human evolution EVER (known)! Hang in there everyone, it’s often darkest before the dawn, and we ARE on the threshold of a “New Dawn”.

These past couple of weeks (with the “peak” on 11/11/11) have been huge as we accelerate on our path toward “The Golden Age of Enlightenment” or what Eckhart Tolle describes as “The New Earth”.

Many people have strongly felt the shift that occurred around 11/11/11 (and are still feeling it) and a new wave of spiritual interest will follow in it’s wake. “Oneness” will replace “separation”. “Love” will replace “fear”. This is a great opportunity for all Spiritual Healers, Teachers and Intuitives to “catch the wave”, expand their practices and broaden their scope of influence to reach more people. It is also a great time for everyone to start a meditation practice, or deepen an existing one as well as to delve more deeply into the spiritual arts and sciences.

The Great Awakening is upon us!

Welcome to the Aquarian Age.


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