Estrology: Gemini 2014

By Esther Frances

Yes, yes, yes! It is time for us to create a story that reflects back to us the wonder that we are, the wonder that Life is, the wonder-full Life that is possible for us all. Dominance and separation may look like they are victorious world views, but appearance can be deceiving.

A new story is emerging, the story of unity expressed by diversity, for the benefit of the whole Earth community! — Inclusive not exclusive, thrive trumping survive, love dissolving hatred, friendship replacing enmity — For this to happen as rapidly as possible each one of us needs to discover what our piece is, and ask “what peace can I bring?” We are all pieces/peaces of the puzzle and we each have a role to play in setting our selves free.

gemini-symbolAt this new moon at seven degrees Gemini, trining Mars in Libra, I see this as a great time to speak out (Gemini/Mercury) for peace, equality, and dynamic balance, (Mars in Libra). What if the notion that either the outer, external world or the inner, internal world is the primary cause of the conditions of our life were to be replaced by a realization that each affects the other.

An area denuded of trees, plants and flowers creates a harsh, sterile environment. A neighborhood with an abundance of trees, bushes, flowers and greenery creates a peaceful serenity. The effect is not merely cosmetic. Trees emanate an essence of peace.

Whatever internal conditions may have contributed to the creation of a cement covered environment, the truth is that the ugly, stark, barren cityscape is conducive to unrest, just as a walk in the redwoods is likely to create a sense of upliftment and inspiration.

Gemini speaks to the “both/and” rather than the “either/or.” I see a convergence of both the internal orientation or thoughts and the outer circumstances or “consensus reality” as being operative in shaping our lives. I remember reading Swami Yogananda’s advice to “trust in God and tie your camel.” This seems timely for us transform the “thought rudder’s” inner direction (Gemini/ Mercury) while also taking action for justice (Mars in Libra). Acting in unison, a powerful alignment and alliance is created that is synergistically more powerful than either approach done by itself.

On June 7th Mercury goes retrograde until July 1st. Don’t panic, it really can be a restorative time of renewal if we can learn to honor the yin as well as the yang.

June 9th sees Neptune shift into its retrograde phase until November 15/16. At home in the sign of Pisces, don’t forget to tune into your dreams, waking and sleeping, especially our dreams of a world where all can flourish.

Venus in the last degree of Aries also invites you to summon your courage and step up to the plate and take a swing at the ball of opportunity that is coming your way. Of course there is no guarantee that you won’t strike out, but if you don’t make the swing it pretty much eliminates the possibility of the connection that allows you to progress around the bases, in the direction your heart is calling you to follow.

Another powerful feature is the grand trine in water: Jupiter at 20 degrees Cancer, Saturn at 19 degrees Scorpio, and Chiron at 18 degrees Pisces. Bucky Fuller would demonstrate how the triangle was the most stable form by slinging pieces of a wobbly necklace into the audience until…. dat ta da ta…the three pieces held their shape and wobbled no more.

A grand trine indicates a stable relationship between the energies comprising it. In this current formation we have the expansive, radiative energy of Jupiter in Cancer calling for greater care at its most conscious frequency and showing up as chauvinism and narrow patriotism at its less conscious expression interacting with Saturn, the contracting, energy of gravity, that binds and holds things together in Scorpio, the sign calling for death and elimination of that which no longer serves. Facing our fears, our shadows, becoming aware of what was previously hidden, all enable regeneration and resurrection to occur. Both of these energies are in trine to Chiron in Pisces, the need to heal the wounds from not feeling connected to and part of the great “w-hole-ly whole,” whether we call that essence God, Buddha Nature, The Great Is or Allah. It speaks to a need for healing the great divide that creates the illusion of separation, and feeling, knowing and acting from the experience that we all are connected to “The Great Mystery” and to each other.

Mercury (the magician/communicator/translator) is forming a powerful sextile, representing creative possibility, with Venus (love, art, beauty, abundance, fecundity). This is a very sexy, erotic, creative combo inviting us all to express ourselves fully! Even within the intense, on-going cardinal square dance, we are invited to celebrate, enjoy and savor this precious, even when challenging, life!

You are invited to experience a personal reading to discover how you can best navigate the seas and seasons of your life. The most frequent feedback from people is how validated, affirmed, and empowered they feel from hearing what their birthcharts have to say about who they are, and how come they are as they are.

Happy Summer Solstice & Many Blessings,
Esther Frances
Astrologer, Between The Worlds

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