Genesis and Revelations

rebirthIt started Dec. 21 2010 during an amazing long duration Lunar eclipse. It was bitter cold outside so I bundled up and went outside as the moon was getting smaller. Suddenly, I noticed that the moon had turned all green (in my mind) and the landscape turned a beautiful violet. I felt like the earth was being bathed in the divine feminine and that I was having a spiritual awakening. A rebirth of sorts. Not just me but the whole planet. I felt like this was the true beginning of the Aquarian age of community, higher consciousness, and the Divine Feminine. I even thought that this was the so called “end of the world” and that 12/21/2012 came exactly 2 years earlier. As the long period of total eclipse began, I went into deep meditation and abruptly came out of it when the time on the clock was 3:33, which matched the numerology of the date 12/21/2010 (2+1=3). I was excited to know that spiritual awakening was happening; that everything was going to be alright…..

But then the years to follow became very difficult. There was illness, emotional challenges, financial challenges and furthermore, I discovered that it was not only me but all the lightworkers I knew (people of higher consciousness committed to making a difference in our planetary evolution) were also going through some very heavy transitions and difficult times as well. What happened to my brave new world???

Then around my birthday in 2014 I got very sick. Some systemic infection took over me while on Prednisone and I nearly died, but I knew I was not going to die. In fact, I refused hospital care and antibiotics. I followed my own regiment, which included Yoga before and after the period of being bed-ridden as well as broth, sea salt, and coconut water to replenish the incredible amounts of water lost due to the extreme symptoms. I got some amazing revelations during that time and felt like I was being reborn. One day after a particularly high Yoga session, Tom Petty’s song “The First Flash of Freedom” came on the radio, a song that got very little air time or commercial success, which I hadn’t heard once since a few months after the album Mojo came out several years earlier. I knew it was a message. Then later on in the process as I was slowly regaining my strength, I realized that I had already known from regressions that in my last lifetime I died at age 55. This was my 56th birthday and I knew I was not following that same karma, even though the patterns obviously were still present, but instead of dying, I would be reborn.


Still, it had been a very hard period for myself along with the other lightworkers I know and freedom had become the real theme for us, as well as my clients in my readings: Personal freedom from our own histories/herstories and from our upbringing, false belief and suppressed traumas that energetically help shape our realities. Also, universal freedom from archaic forms of rulership that has limited our human potential and wrought great suffering.

This past September, there was another “portal” due to effect the planet. A burst of gamma rays had been forecast. I always take these new Age predictions and channeled messages with a grain of salt, but something felt different this time and as we got closer to the dates the buzzing and vibrations I experience through my body, which started on that fateful night of 12/21/2010 had reached epic proportions by then. I knew the energies on the planet were growing.

divine-lightOn one sleepless night, the shift happened, right on time around my birthday during the predicted peak of the Gamma cycle, Sept. 27. Instead of a serious illness which greeted my 56th year, my 57th was one of a serious rebirth, which changed my thinking, perceptions, and probably my whole path in life. Suddenly I “got it” and all the angers and frustrations I carried around with me my whole life, that I felt powerless to control, suddenly and spontaneously transmuted without effort into pure love and I’ve been in a process of rebirth ever since. It was so profound and though everything was still the same, it was totally different at the same time. To give you an idea of what a profound energetic and physical shift this was, the scent my skin emitted from sunlight had changed from that salty sun odor to a sweet fragrant almost floral scent! No joke. In ONE NIGHT!!! That’s how powerful this shift was and still is. My heart, though I thought was pretty open before hand, flew wide open and tuned into the unbelievable love that is the universe and Spirit. I now AM love and the responses I get from people on a daily basis is remarkable. Navigating my “new” emotions has been interesting, not always easy but very powerful. Nothing will ever be the same…

…and now another new year is upon us. Enter 2016. A universal 9 year of completions in numerology and for the first time in a while I genuinely feel a much more positive vibe ahead this year. Not just for myself, but for all the lightworkers who have suffered throughout their growing pains, the past 6 years on a planet that is on the verge of a total transformation. We’ve come a long way, but now we have more light to shine as the past 6 years have been about purging limiting patterns so we can truly approach freedom…then teach the rest of the world to follow in kind.

“Oh, wonder! How many goodly creatures are there here! How beauteous mankind is! O brave new world, that has such people in it!”

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