Soulshine Meditation


  1. Do a deep relaxation.
  2. Feel your heart center (center of chest) illuminate. Allow that light to grow in size and brilliance until it shines throughout your entire body and aura. Allow your feelings of love and joy to grow with the light’s size and radiance.
  3. Simply allow this light to vibrate within your entire being. Allow all tensions to melt away as this light naturally balances and heals your body and all your subtle bodies.
  4. Now you can send this light anywhere you choose. Try sending it into the waterways, the ocean, the continent, the sky and know that this light IS a manifestation of divine light, or Spirit, with the power to heal. You can also send the light to people who need healing, or groups of people or nations under siege, either from nature or war. You can also ask Spirit to send your light where it is needed the most.
  5. When you are ready, allow your light to recede back into your heart center leaving it open or closed to a comfortable level. Open your eyes when ready.
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