Violet Flame Meditation Part 2

This process helps to clear you aura, transmute negativity and prepare yourself for the higher vibrations of September

  1. Sit upright and do a deep relaxation
  2. Once fully relaxed imagine a beautiful crystalline Violet flame burning gently at the base of your spine (root chakra). Feel/imagine the flame clearing that chakra and that area of your body and aura. Then feel the positive energies magnify in that area. Stay with this “living visualization” and feel the energies of the violet flame clear and open for higher vibrations for a moment. Then allow that space to remain open and clear.
  3. Repeat step 2 focusing the violet flame on the Naval region (sacral chakra)
  4. Repeat step 2 for the solar plexus region
  5. Repeat step 2 for the heart center
  6. Repeat step 2 for the throat center
  7. Repeat step 2 for the third eye or brow chakra
  8. Repeat step 2 for the crown chakra just above the top of your head
  9. Then feel your entire body and aura burning gently in a beautiful violet flame allowing that energy to clear and refine your aura for higher spiritual vibration.
  10. Next allow the flames to dissipate and allow your chakras to stay open or close them to a comfortable level. Imagine you have roots extending into the earth from your root and your feet and breathe in and out from those roots to ground you. Slowly return fully into your body then open your eyes.
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